
Pricing Component

The Pricing component is primarily integrated into the billing tab of the settings page (/pages/settings). It uses plan data defined in common/src/data/Plans.js to display available subscription options.

The component offers comprehensive subscription management functionality, including:

  • Display of subscription plans and pricing tiers
  • Full integration with the billing system
  • Configuration options through the Plans data file
  • Responsive design that adapts to all screen sizes


You can use the Pricing component in other parts of your application. Here's how to create a standalone billing page:

import Pricing from "../components/app/Pricing"
export default function BillingPage() {
  return (
      {/* Your page content */}
      <Pricing />
      {/* Additional content */}


To modify the available plans or pricing:

  1. Navigate to /web/common/src/data/Plans.js
  2. Update the plan configurations as needed
  3. Refer to the billing documentation at Billing Documentation for detailed configuration options